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Are Robotics Right For Your Application?

A look at robotics and automation in the manufacturing industry

Automation and robotic use in manufacturing processes is a trend that continues to grow in use and popularity. Automated manufacturing leads to maximum efficiency and safety, offering a competitive advantage in the market. Robotic and automated operations accomplish repetitive tasks at a faster rate, eliminate the margins of human error, and allow for workers to focus their time and efforts on more important steps in the manufacturing process.

Basic Functions of Robotics

Robotics can be used in many different applications within a manufacturing facility including abrasive blasting, material handling, complex tasks, or product packing. The most common application of automated robots within manufacturing is for processes that require high-volume, speed, repetition and accuracy that a worker can’t provide.

Processing Features

Robots offer special processing options to ensure precision and quality in your manufacturing process.

Vision Camera System

3-D Parts Scanning System

robotic blasting equipment
robotic metal finishing system

Benefits of Robotic Manufacturing

Utilization of robots in the manufacturing process provides a number of benefits.

  • Improved Product Quality
  • Reduces EHS concerns
  • Quicker Production Rates
  • Lowers Worker Risk for Dangerous Tasks
  • Increased Production Output
  • Shorter Lead Times
  • Minimal Error = Reduced Waste & Increased Yield
  • Limited Down Time
  • Ability to Redeploy for Other Applications
wet blasting equipment
robotic water deburring

The Rise of Cobots

Collaborative robots, or cobots, are quickly entering the manufacturing space. Cobots allow for tedious manual tasks to be done by a robot while working in the same space with humans without the risk factor of traditional robotics. This allows for a more collaborative environment as well as reduced floor space. Cobots eliminate the need for a caged off area for the robot to function and opens up extra space for humans to work around the cobot.

cobots in manufacturing

Let’s address some common objections to robotics.

Robots are expensive.

Yes. Robotics and automation are going to cost more upfront when you look solely at the equipment cost. Keep in mind, robotics are a long-term investment. They will continue to run for years, producing parts and making profit for your facility. The increased production will provide more opportunity for your business to do more jobs.

There are also indirect savings when robotics are implemented. Robotics reduce the margin of error which eliminates the need for extra labor, hours, waste and scrap created on a job.

Most robots will provide ROI in as little as two years.


Robots eliminate manufacturing jobs.

Robots aren’t solely used for worker replacement. Robots are versatile and are often implemented as an assisting source for workers who have intricate tasks. Robots will be utilized to lift, hold and move heavy pieces through a process while skilled workers execute intricate tasks.

While robots do replace the need for a worker to accomplish the repetitive tasks, they create a need for other positions such as programmers, engineers and maintenance to keep production rates at high levels.

How would robots fit within your process?

Robotic manufacturing is cost effective and can be designed for any size company. Engineers can look at your facility, production workflow and bottlenecks, to develop and implement the most cost-effective and productive automation processes.

Robots can be designed to work in confined spaces, accomplish tasks for multiple applications,  strategically mounted to take up little floorspace, or be contained within a small finishing cell, allowing for safe walkways throughout your facility. Freeing up floor space to allow for future production and safe walkways throughout your facility.


Typical Applications:

  • Automated or Robotic Blasting Machines (Air or Wet Blasting)
  • Mass Finishing Systems
  • Deburring
  • Grinding, Buffing, and Polishing
  • Parts Cleaning Systems
  • Foundry Sand Molding Equipment
  • Material Handling
robotic deburring
robotic finishing cell

This leads us back to the question, are robotics right for you?

Automation and robotics can be implemented in large or small capacities to benefit any sized facility. Robotics and automation continue to be an integral part of manufacturing in facilities of all sizes, producing more manufactured parts at lower costs to compete with offshore companies. Our team of technically trained representatives can look at your facility, workflow, and processes to develop an efficient and the more cost-effective automation solution.

Video: An automated buffing system utilizing a robotic arm to move parts in and out of the finishing cell.

Find out how robotics and automation can improve your manufacturing facility

Talk to our team of technically trained representatives and schedule a site visit to see how automation and robotics can fit into your facility and increase your production rates.

Schedule A Trial

Utilizing our state of the art mobile demo lab, we will work with you to optimizing your specific application, process validation, and testing coating removal issues.